Collection: About Me


   My name is Shadonna and I am the founder and executive life coach here at Beyond Barriers. I overcame obstacles that we all face everyday that we may be afraid to talk about such as setbacks, divorce, depression, fear, low-esteem and self-sabotage. One day, I told God He could use me as a willing vessel. I’m eager to get uncomfortable, undone, and vulnerable if that is what it takes to help set someone free from bondage.  I figured out the one thing that was hindering me from overcoming obstacles; I was fighting myself! I was destroying and killing myself slowly by trying to be perfect. When I failed, it took me weeks, sometimes months, to forgive myself and get over the fact I didn't reach my own unrealistic expectations that I had for myself… NOT God's expectations for me. I needed to renew my mind. Through my mistakes, I want to partner with you to help you overcome obstacles and barriers that may be holding you back.

   Many people go through life feeling alone, thinking they are the only person going through what they're facing. We are all going through a lot of things together! I believe God is allowing me to use Beyond Barriers and my testimony to reach out and help someone by telling the story of how God delivered and healed me. While sharing my story and learning yours, I will provide you with  practical and spiritual tools.

   Hope is having an expectation and desire for something to happen or come to pass. I genuinely believe people lost hope. By starting Beyond Barriers, I aspire to give hope back. God has a plan for you! He wants to prosper you and  give you a future and HOPE… not harm you! (Jeremiah 29:11). My prayer is that God will use Beyond Barriers, to give hope, renew your mind, expose the plan of the enemy, and improve you mentally, spiritually, and physically. If God can heal and deliver me, he can and WILL do the same for you!

With Love, 

Executive Coach Shadonna Brand 


“And they overcame and conquered him (Satan) because of the blood of the lamb (Jesus) and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death.” Revelation 12:11 AMP

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